ECTS Information Pack
Ects Institutional Co-ordinator
Tiziana Columbro
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Main University Regulations
Lessons and exams scheduling
The timetable of particular or group lessons can be decided directly with the teaching staff.
Each Academic Year finishes with the three exam sessions:
Summer session: June-July
Autumn session: September-October
Winter session: February.
The calendar of each session will be posted at the noticeboard generally 15 days before.
Access to the Institution documents
All citizens have the right to consult the Institutions' documents, on a justified request.
The cost of the eventual photocopies will be paid by the applicant.
The student affairs office is open to the public on the followings days and hours:
Monday 10-12
Tuesday 10-12
Wednesday 10-12
Thursday 10-12
Friday 10-12
Saturday 10-12
Issue of certificates
Entry and frequency certificates will be issued in three working days from the request and the documents with grades and valutations in five working days.
Time table of the personnal department
The time-table of the personnel department is posted on the Institute noticeboard in the Administrative management office.
The teaching staffs' timetable with the annual didactic programmes and room numbers is consulted at the Didactic Secretary.
Formative offer project
The annual programmes are posted on the Institute notice-board
The Course Programmes of the Institute can be consultated at the Didactic Secretary or on the Institute Website.
The Library “Palmiero Giannetti” is opened to the public from Monday to Friday from 10,30h to 13.30h and from 16.00h to 18.00h.
To use the internet all the students must contact the coordinator of the Department of “New technologies and music languages”
Directors' office hours
M° Vittorio Magrini will recieve students:
Thursday from 10.00h to 13.00h and from 15.00h to 17.00h.
To make an appointment the students should speak with the secretary.
The Director of the Conservatory
email address is
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No smoking
In the Institute smoking is not allowed.
For eventual complaints, please send a fax or an e mail to the Administrative manager Dr. Maria Antonietta Sacchetti
email address is
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In 15 days the Head of Institute will provide you with an answer.
List of offered programme degrees
Three year courses ( First Level Academic Diploma)
Vocal chamber music repertoir
Strings - Violin
Two-year courses (Second Level Academic Diploma) in performance and composition
Chamber Music
Piano – Accompanist and collaborator section
Other academic qualification courses
Experimental courses
Teaching diploma
Conservatory Diploma
Admission/Registration Procedures
The applications for admission to the First Level Triennal Courses and Second Level Biennal Courses should arrive to the Conservatory Didactics Secretary from the 1st of September to the 15th of October of every Academic Year in one of the followings ways:
By post (recommended letter), sending the annex paper to the following address:
Conservatorio di Musica “Lorenzo Perosi” - Ufficio Didattica
Viale Principe di Piemonte, 2/A – 86100 Campobasso Italy
Per fax to the number: 0039.0874-411377
The following documents must be sended with the application:
The receipt of the payment of 50,00 Euros for the admission test paid on the c.c.p. n. 12856860 entitled at the Conservatorio di Musica di Campobasso
Declaration of:
Personal data
Diploma of Conservatory or Bachelor
High School Diploma
Not attending other compatible courses in the meantime
Curriculum vitae
Copy of the identity card
The admission tests will be done with a calendar that will be posted up at the noticeboard.
In case of admission at the Second Level Course the students must pay Euros 500,00 for the first year in the c.c.p. of the Conservatory.
General Description of the Institution
"Lorenzo Perosi" Conservatory has the following courses:
1 Composition
1 Experimental composition
1 Music Didactics
1 Conducting
19 Piano
3 Organ
1 Organ composition
7 Violin
2 Viola
1 Cello
1 Experimental Cello
1 Double bass
1 Harp
4 Voice
3 Guitar
3 Flute
4 Clarinet
1 Oboe
1 Basson
2 Trumpet and Trombone
1 Horn
3 Saxophon
2 Percussion
1 Harpsichord
1 Jazz Music
2 Music History
1 Poetic and dramatic literature
3 General Music culture
1 Theatre
1 Subsidiary Organ and Gregorian singing
6 Subsidiary Piano
1 Wind Chamber Music
1 String Chamber Music
1 Orchestra
1 Choir
3 Chamber Music
1 Score interpretation
12 Theory, solfeggio and musical dictation
1 Electronic Music
The Conservatory has a Library, an Auditorium, 38 lesson rooms, 51 pianos, 3 harpsichords, 1 fortepiano, 2 organs, 2 harps, percussion instruments, string and wind instruments, 1 recording library, 2 audio - video rooms, 1 recording room. The Conservatory "Lorenzo Perosi" is one of the largest Conservatories in Italy for the number of student productions.
It is the only Conservatory in the Molise Region and it is involved in research, teaching,development,promotion,production and occupation.
Every year the Conservatory produces teachers' concerts, student concerts, master classes and promotes meetings and conferences in order to divulgate and encourage international exchange.
The Perosi Conservatory was invited by the Education Ministry to organize specialization courses in Multimedia and Didactic for the Conservatories teaching staff.
Every year the Conservatory publishes a student guide.
Music production
Symphony Orchestra
Teachers concerts
Student Orchestra
String Orchestra
Conservatory Choir
Concert- lessons
Student concerts
Concerts for local schools
The "Music day" project
Lyric operas
Research activities
Didactic meetings
Music interpretation master classes
Concert-lessons and public lessons
Analysis laboratory
Contemporary music laboratory
Guide to the listening
Methodological Seminaries
The Library
The "Palmiero Giannetti" library was established in 1975 when Luigi D'Ambrosio and Vincenzo Furia, the first donors, offered their books to the conservatory's Library.
Now the "Palmiero Giannetti" Library has more than 13.000 texts (scores, methods,opera scores,orchestra scores,ballet scores etc.), about 200 manuscripts (19th 20th Centuries), more than 100 magazines, more than 800 musical documents (discs, compact discs, tapes etc.)
Specials funds
Carabella fund
Del Colle fund
Furia fund
D'Ambrosio fund
Fiorda fund
Furst-Wulle fund
Selmi fund
Music Authors catalogue
Music cathalogue
Authors catalogue
Librettos catalogue
Magazine catalogue
Sound materials catalogue
The software is SBN-MUSICA. From 1996 it is possible to consult the Library data bank through PC.
Library hours
From Monday to Friday 10.30h - 13.30h / 16.00h - 18.00h
Library staff
Dr. Tiziana Grande - head librarian
M? Gianni Fidanza - librarian
Antonio Pasqualone - School collaborator
Marco Drago - School collaborator
Teachers and students can ask for loans for a period of 15 days maximum. Texts that are excluded from the loans:
Consulting books
Omnia operas
Special funds texts
Orchestral materials
Original editions preceding 1900 and the publications
protected from the copyright.
Library e-mail address:
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