
Erasmus Policy Statement - ECHE

The “Lorenzo Perosi" State Conservatory of Music in Campobasso, founded in 1971, is the only Institution of AFAM (Higher Education in Arts, Music and Choreography) within the Molise Region. The Conservatory participates in the Erasmus+ project since the early 2000s; during these years it has increased the number of European partners, and it has organized activities and mobilities of students and teachers in line with the principles and objectives of its first ECHE charter.

The Conservatory has joined the Erasmus+ project to compare itself with other European countries to promote social and intellectual mobility, innovation, the circulation of learning and skills, the creation of job and first employment expectations.

We believed and believe that internationalisation is one of the most important investment for the future. Therefore, according to the innovative proposals of the Bologna Declaration of 1999 and Erasmus+ project, the Conservatory of Campobasso aims to concentrate its attention and its energy on students and staff mobility to reach some objectives, such as:

- to study analogies and differences between two realities till today, in order to find connections and some shared guidelines relative to the curricula and the degrees issued by the conservatory itself and the European institutions;

- to study the characteristic musical expressions of other countries both from the ethnomusicological point of view, the compositive musical style and performance one;

- to embark on a work of musicology research of the similarities of the musical heritage of the past and the new future directions;

- to embark on a research at the use of multimedia, on the comparative innovation of teaching methods, on the guidance for insertion in the productive systems.

The core of the 2021-2027 strategy of the Conservatory is to reinforce and develop international cooperation, extending the international exchanges also to extra-European countries, such as some South America countries (eg Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil). The selection criteria of partners range from exchange sustainability (both financial and geographical), reciprocity, curricula diversity and integration, potential job careers offered in the host country.


Target Groups:

• Mobility Enhancement

- With reference to study mobility, our purpose is to increase the number of outgoing students by 100% within 2027

- Training mobility will be encouraged as well and developed by means of specific agreements with enterprises operating in the music and art sectors.

- A further step towards a better integration between new learning and teaching approaches will be moved with an increase of 30% teachers mobility within 2027.

- The administrative staff training will be promoted in the belief that a sharing of best practices may be highly effective on projects management and resources management.


• Increase attractiveness

Our Institute, caused its geographical position, is not attracting a great number of foreign students. Our purpose is increase by 50% the actual UE and extra-UE countries students rate (50%).

The Conservatory of Campobasso is committed to foster international cooperation and promote the actual projects, started in recent years, which have led, for instance, to the creation of a joint ensemble with several European Institutes (e.g. Germany, Austria, Hungary, Spain) focusing in monographic or thematic projects to realize all together, with study sessions, rehearsals and live music performances (for instance the "Beethoven Festival" in Freiburg, 2019, and "Percussion Festival" in Campobasso, 2019).

The above mentioned cooperation will be extended by means of a multilateral receptiveness towards further partners and through collaboration to new projects (e.g. operatic, ancient and baroque music, and distance education).

Our priority is a better integration of the diverse student components, in order to overcome the language and culture barriers, and to reduce the scholar dropouts rate.

A systematic comparison with parallel education systems, both of the European and the extra-European countries, may reinforce the need for a third cycle of studies in music high education, which in Italy is still to be experimented. In this way, expanding the educational offer, we will able to create "new" professionals with new skills, that may satisfy the demand of the music entrepreneurship’s changing world in a more appropriate way.


Presentation of Conservatory


ECHE signed 2021-2027 Pagina 1

ECHE signed 2021-2027 Pagina 2

Eche template EN (2021-2027)
Data 2021-06-09 Dimensioni 359.73 KB Download 493

Eche template EN (2014-2020)
Data 2014-08-12 Dimensioni 950.07 KB Download 1866

General Information For Students

Cost of life

The best way to find out what is going on is to check with local students and student associations. Local newspapers cover information on events taking place in the town and region. Campobasso is a city of about.72.000 habitants. It is the capitol city of Molise, a small region in southorn Italy.The cost of living is low.For very little you can eat, go to concerts, musicals, cinema, museums and so on.



Low cost self services and restaurants are available near the Conservatory. A student will pay about 5,00 to 12,00 euros for lunch or dinner.


Financial Support For Students

All international students are entitled to the same student assistance services as italian students, on basis of the same requisites of financial means and/or merit. This applies to scholarships, student loans, housing assistance, refectory meal tickets and fee waivers.

The Perosi Conservatory has the following financial support for students:

  • Institutional grants

  • Grants offered by sponsors

  • Erasmus grants



Medical Insurance

Medical and pharmaceutical assistance for foreigners in Italy is regulated by international agreements and treaties. To benefit of such assistance, foreign students, are required a specific documentation.

Normally EU students must have a certificate (E111 or E128 model) issued by their National Health Authority that will cover first-aid and medical assistance in Italy. When they arrive in Italy this certificate must be validated by the local health agencies (ASL).
Non-EU students must have a health insurance policy; this may be made either at their arrival in Italy with a private Italian insurance company, or before their departure with an insurance company of their respective countries; in this seconde case,students had better contact the Italian Embassy or Consulate in their home countries for further information on existing agreements on medical assistance.

Accidents and third party liability insurance

Registration at Campobasso Conservatory includes accident and third party liability insurance during educational and recreational activities in Conservatory buildings and during excursions approved by the Conservatory.


Study facilities

Computers room
Listening room
Recording room
Musical instruments
Food and drink dispenser


Language courses

The new accessible way to learn italian is via distance learning. The Italian system provides new distance learning structures or "tools" in the Italian language.

Some usefull addresses in Italy:
ICON: Italian Culture on the Net

email adress:   Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
web site one :
web site two
web site tree:


Extra-Mural and Leisure Activities

Universities and other higher education institutions may allocate funds to encourage cultural activities organized by their own students and by their own teachers.

Their chief purposes are:

  • promote the development of studies and research, in such fields as visual arts, music, theatre, cinema etc.;

  • promote and organize meetings, conferences, group activities;

  • encourage international exchanges.

The Perosi Conservatory allocate funds to encourage the following extra-mural and leisure activities:
Cultural excursions in european art cities in order to give the occasion to the students to know others cultural and study lives.Infact, during this excursion, the students have the possibility to visit the Music University as well

Promotes recitals, chamber concerts and soloist with Orchestra concerts;

Promotes the Conservatory Orchestra and Choir, in which students and professors usually take part;

Every year the Orchestra with the staff Conservatory collaboration uses to represente liryc Operas and symphonic concerts in Campobasso “Savoia” Theatre or in “Mario Pagano” concert hall and in others italian and foreign Theatres;

Promotes meetings and conferences to divulgate and encourage international exchanges.


Student associations

Campobasso has associations between the Conservatory's students and the University's students. There are others students associations based on sports, extra-mural and leisure activities as well.

Ects Institutional Co-ordinator


Tiziana Columbro

e-mail address:   Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Main University Regulations

Lessons and exams scheduling

The timetable of particular or group lessons can be decided directly with the teaching staff.

Each Academic Year finishes with the three exam sessions:
Summer session: June-July
Autumn session: September-October
Winter session: February.
The calendar of each session will be posted at the noticeboard generally 15 days before.

Access to the Institution documents
All citizens have the right to consult the Institutions' documents, on a justified request.
The cost of the eventual photocopies will be paid by the applicant.

The student affairs office is open to the public on the followings days and hours:

Monday 10-12
Tuesday 10-12
Wednesday 10-12
Thursday 10-12
Friday 10-12
Saturday 10-12

Issue of certificates

Entry and frequency certificates will be issued in three working days from the request and the documents with grades and valutations in five working days.

Time table of the personnal department 
The time-table of the personnel department is posted on the Institute noticeboard in the Administrative management office.
The teaching staffs' timetable with the annual didactic programmes and room numbers is consulted at the Didactic Secretary.

Formative offer project
The annual programmes are posted on the Institute notice-board

The Course Programmes of the Institute can be consultated at the Didactic Secretary or on the Institute Website.

The Library “Palmiero Giannetti” is opened to the public from Monday to Friday from 10,30h to 13.30h and from 16.00h to 18.00h.

To use the internet all the students must contact the coordinator of the Department of “New technologies and music languages”

Directors' office hours
M° Vittorio Magrini will recieve students:
Thursday from 10.00h to 13.00h and from 15.00h to 17.00h.
To make an appointment the students should speak with the secretary.

The Director of the Conservatory 
email address is  Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

No smoking
In the Institute smoking is not allowed.

For eventual complaints, please send a fax or an e mail to the Administrative manager Dr. Maria Antonietta Sacchetti 
email address is Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


In 15 days the Head of Institute will provide you with an answer.